Fifty years ago marks the first delivery of meals by South Minneapolis Meals on Wheels (SMMOW)! Then-Nokomis-Heights-Lutheran member, Ann Zickert, and Birdie Nash of Holy Name Catholic Church answered the request of the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches to address the need for delivered meals to elderly and disabled residents. Their efforts, along with MANY volunteer hours and donations over the past 50 years has led to an organization that is still going strong today.
Fun Fact - The original meals were delivered on REAL dinner plates with plastic domes to keep the food hot and were transported in heavy, wooden boxes with room for six meals. The plates/domes were picked up the next day and were not necessarily clean! We’ve lightened that load considerably, but are still a great option for those in need!
Please consider a donation to celebrate this important milestone by heading to our “Donate/Volunteer” page.
Our Leadership TeaM

Julie Cahoy, Chair
Michael Diko, Vice-Chair
Marian Blattner, Secretary
Chelsea Krafcheck, Treasurer
Mary Engen, Ops Chair
Robbie (Roberta) Becker
Paul Groskreutz
Katie Lang
Linda Ojeda
Nan Rice
Steve Rawlins


Executive Committee
Board Development
Fundraising / Marketing

Julie Cahoy
Michael Diko
Marian Blattner
Chelsea Krafcheck
Mary Engen
Marian Blattner
Michael Diko
Steve Rawlins
Linda Ojeda
Chelsea Krafcheck
Jim Nelson
Ev Niebuhr
Steve Lindquist
Tom Cahoy
Robbie (Roberta) Becker
Amanda Dufresne
Catherine Dols
Katie Lang
Paul Groskreutz
Nan Rice
The Operations Council meets at 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. and the Board of Directors meets from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursdays of each month. Meetings will be virtual until further notice.
Mary Engen, Chair
Holy Trinity Lutheran
Jimmy Dunn
Annunciation Catholic
Steve Lindquist
Bethlehem Covenant
Cathy Sieving
Christ Church Lutheran
Paul Groskreutz
Diamond Lake Lutheran
Nan Rice
Epworth United Methodist
Julie Cahoy
Holy Trinity Lutheran
Linda Ojeda
Lake Nokomis Lutheran
Nancy Susag
Lebanon Lutheran
Steve Rawlins
Mayflower Congregational
Sue Claude
Minnehaha United Methodist
Marion Blattner
Nokomis Heights Lutheran
Louise Stich
Our Lady of Peace Catholic
Doug Bergeson
Richfield Lutheran
Sonya Clementson
St. Peder’s Lutheran
Sara Larson
Meals Coordinator
© 2021 by South Minneapolis Meals On Wheels